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Image by Conscious Design

Company Information

Privacy, Confidentiality and GDPR

Privacy Policy


​At Alchemy of Health  we respect your privacy completely. Your personal information is private, so it is treated with security and confidentiality. We will never sell or pass it on to other companies – you can rest assured that your email and any contact other details you’ve given us will not be passed on to any third party.


The Practice makes every effort to put in place suitable precautions to safeguard the security and privacy of personal data, and to prevent it from being altered, corrupted, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized third parties. However, the Practice do not control each and every risk related to the use of the Internet, and therefore warns the Site users of the potential risks involved in the functioning and use of the Internet.



All organisations that collect personal information in the process of carrying out business functions (which includes professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, vets and accountants) will be obliged to follow a set of rules known collectively as GDPR which becomes law on May 25th 2018.  The Practice wants to reassure you that we will be fully compliant under the GDPR requirements.   As a first step we are publishing our Privacy Statement below:




With effect from 25 May 2018 new data protection law will be enforced in the UK and Europe.   Known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the legislation will:


  • Make it easier for you to find out what the Practice does with your personal data and how it is protected.

  • Increase your rights in relation to any information that the Practice holds about you.

  • Say how your information will be used and with whom it may be shared

  • Confirm that GDPR will enhance current professional rules of confidentiality consent and privacy.


Our Privacy Notice will confirm that our Practice treats all personal and intimate data as totally confidential, that no information will be divulged or shared with third parties without the consent of our patients and that the preservation of the dignity and integrity of our patients is our top priority.

This is a preliminary notice to inform you that the Practice are here to reassure you that we will be fully compliant with GDPR and that further information will be posted on our website in due course.



What are cookies?


Cookies are tiny text files that are transferred to your computer when you visit websites. They can be used to enhance your experience on a particular website, for example, they may be used in conjunction with your shopping cart on an ecommerce site, or they may simply be used for marketing purposes to monitor site usage and activity.


What do cookies do?

  • On ecommerce sites, cookies can store the contents of your shopping basket as you proceed through checkout.

  • Enable you to ‘log in’ facility to a profile account so you can see information relating to your account and manage your details.

  • Record the areas in our site you have visited and for how long, as well as which pages you have viewed and your progress through the site. This to help us improve our website so that it’s easy to use and navigate.


Are cookies safe?

  • Yes – they don’t harm your computer.

  • Yes – they do not contain any information that could be used by others to identify you personally.

  • Yes – they do not contain any confidential details such as your email address or payment details.


Can I turn cookies off?

If you would prefer not to have cookies from my website stored on your computer, you can change the settings on your website browser. You can find out how to do this in the ‘Help’ section of your browser, via the menu bar or visiting where there are details about how to manage cookies.


The cookies that are used :  

Google analytics cookies allow us to:

  • Allow us to understand how visitors use the site, as well as provide valuable information about devices used and where in the world you have visited us from

  • Help identify any errors so we can fix them.

  • Gather information which helps us continually improve our website.    


The data collected is completely anonymous, there is no personal information to identity a visitor stored or recorded.          


To remember your chosen settings, a cookie will be stored in your current browser. If you delete all cookies from your browser, you will have to update these settings again.

If you use a different device, different account on your PC or a different browser, you will need to set your preference for them too. The settings you have chosen today will only apply to device and browser you are using now.


This policy was added on 15 May 2018.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me us.



Alchemy of Health is committed to keeping the communications between you and your therapist confidential and private. Sessions are encrypted, providing a high-level of technological security, and the personal information you share will never be disclosed to any other individual, company, or organization.


It is important to note, however, that in specific safety-related circumstances, our therapists are required by law to report to local authorities (according to applicable and relevant law). Situations of this nature include: the perpetration of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, homicidal or suicidal intentions, or any other scenario where an individual's life is in imminent danger.

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