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Fertily Treatments - Combination of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine 


What you will receive:


  • Full Consultation - 60 minute call/video session or in person 

  • 30 Day Infertility Herbal Formulation

  • Yin and Yang Food List

  • 4 Week Food Diet Plan

  • Herbal Kettle worth £50

  • Weekly Follow up and Support

  • 4 Acupuncture sessions - 50 minutes each - Worth ( £85.00 each)


This is a combination treatment of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. 


Acupuncture works on the external extremeties to create flow in the meridians to stimulate blood flow and release stagnation. This will support the body from the outside in while the TCM herbal formulation will stimulate from the inside out. This creates balance between the yin and yang.

How does this effect us?

If these two opposing forces become unbalanced then it leads to a blockage in the flow

of qi or vital energy. When an individual's qi is unable to flow freely throughout the body, the body's energy meridians become obstructed causing infertility and mental depression.

What does this mean?

In CHM the body is viewed as a balance of two opposing forces, Yin and Yang.

Yin represents the cold, slow or passive aspects of a person while yang represents hot, excited or active aspects. With Infertility, Coldness in the womb creates an unsuitable environment to conceive.


From month 2 the price decrease to £460.00

Fertility Treatments - TCM

SKU: Infertility TCM
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