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Spiritual Fertility

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Treatment Plan with Meditation

1 month Treatment Plan - Depends on Individual needs


What you will receive:


  • Full Consultation 1 hour = In person or online via video call

  • 30 Day Infertility Herbal Formulation

  • Yin and Yang Food List

  • 4 Week Food Diet Plan

  • Herbal Kettle worth £50

  • Weekly Follow up and Support

  • Online Meditation Sessions Weekly - 60 minute sessions (Worth £60.00 per session)

  • 4 x Acupuncture Session - 50 min sessions (Worth £85.00 per session)


What to expect: 


This is a journey to prepare the body, mind, soul and spirit. Spiritual Fertility is a combination of treatments. We focus on each aspect of the body ie. internal organs. Then we focus on the mind (thoughts and feelings). The 3rd part is the Soul and Spirit. Here we prepare for the spirit and soul of the child and preparation of the foundation of having a child.


What is Spiritual Fertility?

​This is a journey to prepare the body, mind, soul and spirit. Spiritual Fertility is a combination of treatments. We focus on each aspect of the body ie. internal organs. Then we focus on the mind (thoughts and feelings). The 3rd part is the Soul and Spirit. Here we prepare for the spirit and soul of the child and preparation of the foundation of having a child.


This is a combination treatment of the body, mind, soul and spirit. This will allow you to grow on all levels to create the perfect environment for your new being of light to come into this world. This creates stability and a secure foundation. 

We have one-to-one meditation sessions included for relaxation and to create a space of calmness and peace. This is also a space to connect with the soul and spirit.


This is a 4 step Treatment Plan. 

Step 1

Consultation of both Partners to create the starting point of the treatment. This allows me to see at what level your organs are functioning and our focus points.

Step 2 

Acupuncture Sessions Course with Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula with Yin and Yang Nutrition food list and advice. 

Step 3

Meditation and Foundation setup.

Step 4

Support - Phone or in person support during your treament plan



My Journey with you will be to give you all the love and support you need to create a strong foundation of calmness and peace.

TCM will support the organs and ensure that the body is working optimally to create the perfect environment for fertility. 

This is a 6 - 12 month journey. Follow up treatments from month 2 is £650.00

Spiritual Fertility and TCM

SKU: Spiritual Fertility
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